A Peek Inside the Looking Glass

Our day is designed to balance free play activities with teacher-directed activities.  Our littlest citizens, our babies, get lots of TLC and individual attention.  Their needs for food and comfort are met as they arise.  There is ample time for songs and finger plays, stories and poetry, music and dancing, exercise, fresh air and cuddling.

As they gain independence and enter toddlerhood, the children begin to work in learning centers.  They also have the opportunity to participate in a number of special classes.  Our “big kids”, the 3-6 year olds have all of these, and more activities available to them.  They also begin more formalized academic study.  We know that when children are happily involved, their parents can go to work, school, or home and put in a productive day as well.

Our Philosophy

We believe that children’s primary means of learning about our world is through play.  When they play, children are imitating and practicing what they have experienced.  As adults, we provide examples they emulate.  We have designed our program to provide a maximum of positive experiences, time to explore, and a variety of equipment to stimulate experimentation and, consequently, growth.

This growth involves the whole child – emotionally, mentally, physically, socially, and intellectually.  We supplement the free play experience with teacher-directed activities appropriate to the developmental levels of the children, so that the learning experience is a positive one.

Outdoor Play

Playing outdoors in the fresh air during every season is beneficial to the health of children.  We do like to take the children outdoors daily, except in the most extreme weather. We have a very nice playground area, always supervised.